Alchemy Word Origin: alkamye, via Old French from Medieval Latin alchimia, from Arabic al-kimiya, from al (the) + kimiya (transmutation), from Late Greek khemeia the art of transmutation, transforming from one nature, substance, form or condition to another.
The Electromagnetic Field (EM Field) of the human body is a holographic circuitry of energy. You are immersed in it twenty-four hours a day, every day of your human experience. This holographic field is the light power operating in, around, and through your body, and is the non-physical system of our intuitive telepathic communication. It is the path through which divine source of intrinsic knowing, creativity, and natural talent feed into your body, heart, and mind for you to authentically express You.
This field of light you are immersed in is your ever-present knowledge bank, and is ever-ready to access when mastering the magic of personal alchemy to rise above your past, create with innate artistry, and express the true power of your confident voice. It is the holographic matrix working with other matrices to arrange those serendipitous moments that propel your experience into uplift and betterment. Most important, it is the system that is wholly determined to keep you alive, maneuver you into well-being and - if you choose to engage with that greater part of you - it is how you/we will remain far ahead of the world and pressures of artificial intelligence.